You must respond to a Summons for Jury Service within five business days of receipt.

Click here to log in to eJuror and submit your response online.  You will need the nine-digit participant number located on the top of the Summons for Jury Service.

If you are unable to respond online, complete the lower portion of the Summons for Jury Service (the Juror Information Form) and return it in the provided envelope.

eJuror Tips

  • All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. If you are unable to progress to the next screen, ensure that all required fields have been completed.
  • Do not use your Internet browser's back and forward buttons while using eJuror. If you do so, eJuror will delete the information you have entered. Instead, use the back and forward buttons on the eJuror screens to navigate between the pages to ensure your entries are not erased.
  • The eJuror process takes approximately five to ten minutes; however, the system will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. If your session times out, wait 30 minutes and log back in.

Mac users please note:  Safari is not supported by eJuror.  If you are a Mac user you will need to download and use Mozilla Firefox for Mac to access eJuror.

The Court is unable to unlock your eJuror session. If your session is interrupted due to inactivity, please wait 30 minutes and attempt to log back in.