Reporting for jury service is required by federal law. 

Not all jurors who have been summoned will be required to report.  To check your reporting requirements:

  1. Call 503-326-8111,
  2. Press 1,
  3. Enter the nine-digit participant number highlighted at the top of th Summons for Jury Service, and
  4. Press 1 to confirm the first three letters of your last name and access your recorded reporting instructions. 

Reporting requirements are updated by 4:00 PM the business day before the service date printed on the front of the Summons for Jury Service. 

Occasionally, cases are terminated or rescheduled as late as the day before the trial is scheduled to occur, which may mean that your service as a juror may not be required.  If you are not required to report for service as summoned, and you fail to call 503-326-8111 for updated reporting instructions, you will not be paid an attendance fee or be reimbursed for parking or travel expenses.  The call-in number accepts collect calls generated within the State of Oregon. 

The Jury Department will call long distance jurors (jurors residing more than 75 miles from the courthouse) the week before their service date with reporting instructions.

Long distance jurors must call the Automated Jury Information Line at 503-326-8111:

  • 48 hours before their service date for updated reporting instructions; and
  • before departing for Portland to confirm updated reporting instructions.

Expenses incurred by jurors who do not call the Automated Jury Information Line as instructed, or who incur expenses after being informed that their service is not needed, will not be reimbursed.

What if I don't report for Jury Duty?

The Court may issue an order requiring you to appear before a judge. If you ignore the order to appear, you may be held in contempt.  Similarly, if you fail to complete jury service without first getting permission from the Court, a failure to appear notice may be issued and you may be punished for contempt.  If you receive a Summons for Jury Service but cannot comply, you must follow the procedures to request a deferment or excuse.