Monday, February 17, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any of the following documents or items be placed in the drop boxes:

  • Checks, money orders, or currency of any kind,
  • Emergency matters or time sensitive materials,
  • Submissions requiring a fee payment (like case initiating documents), or
  • Sealed or in camera documents.

CM/ECF Registered Users are reminded that unless otherwise limited by these procedures, local rules, or other order of the court, all pleadings, documents (including attachments and exhibits), and other papers in civil and criminal cases are to be filed electronically through the CM/ECF system.

Location and Hours

Drop boxes for civil and criminal case filings are located in a designated room off of the first floor lobby of the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse located at 1000 S.W. Third Avenue in Portland, Oregon.

The drop boxes are accessible for use from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, except during holidays or days where the Courthouse is otherwise closed.

Document Receipt and Filing Times

Documents submitted to the drop box will be filed as of the date of submission.

Documents will be retrieved from the drop boxes periodically throughout the day at the following hours: 8:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 4:30 p.m.

Submission Requirements and Procedure

All documents must be formatted in compliance with LR 10 and must be securely fastened.  The Clerk's Office is not responsible for unfastened pleadings which may fall apart after placement in the box.

All filings should consist of a clearly marked "Original" and a clearly marked "Judge's Copy" (See LR 5-8).

Using the date stamp machine provided, the filer must place a RECEIVED stamp indicating the date of submission in the center of the top page for each and all documents and copies tendered.  The documents should then be carefully placed in the slots provided, separating civil case from criminal case submissions.

Anyone requiring a conformed copy of the document(s) submitted must include an addressed envelope having sufficient pre-paid postage thereon with a third, clearly marked “Conformed Copy” of the document(s).


Questions may be sent via email to or by regular mail to:

Clerk’s Office
Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse
1000 S.W. Third Avenue, Suite 740
Portland, OR 97204-2930
Tel.: 503-326-8000