Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Although United States Courts are not subject to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), the Court has made efforts to remove disability-related barriers to court services by providing wheelchair access and other accommodations.  Accommodations available to individuals with hearing or visual impairments are described below. 

Screening and Entry:  All Courthouses

All individuals seeking entrance to any facility must present valid, government issued, photo identification, such as a driver's license or state ID.  Additionally, all individuals must also go through security screening, which in most circumstances includes a metal detector. You may request alternative screening if you have a pacemaker, cochlear implant, or other medical implant, or if a mobility impairment affects your ability to proceed through a metal detector.

Wheelchair/Mobility Disability Access

All courthouses are wheelchair accessible.  Automatic doors are available at the public entrance to the building.  Elevators provide access to all courthouse floors.  Publicly accessible restrooms within the courthouse provide wheelchair accommodation. 

ADA Access:

Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse, Portland

The sidewalk near the southwest corner of the courthouse (near the corner of S.W. Main St. and S.W. Third Ave.) is level with the walkway into the public entry on S.W. Third Avenue.

Wayne L. Morse Courthouse, Eugene

Enter via a ramp or elevator on E. Eighth Avenue, which leads to the public entry.

James A. Redden Courthouse, Medford

Enter via a lift near the southwest corner of the courthouse (next to the wrought iron gate).  Please notify the Court Security Officers by pressing the intercom button near the lift, and they will assist with using the lift.

John F. Kilkenny United States Post Office and Courthouse, Pendleton

Enter via a ramp at the front of the courthouse into the public entryway. 

Assistive Listening Devices

All courtrooms are equipped with infrared (IR) headsets capable of providing listeners with amplification of the proceedings.  Anyone anticipating the need to use an IR headset in a particular proceeding should contact the judge's courtroom deputy.  Contact information for the courtroom deputy can be found on the webpage for the assigned judge.  Advanced notice is appreciated but not required.

If you have been called for jury duty and believe you might need additional amplification or other accommodations while in the jury office (such as captions for viewing an orientation video), please contact the disability access and accommodation coordinator for the courthouse where you will report for jury duty.

If you are a party, prospective juror, or witness and would like to request realtime transcription or a sign language interpreter for court proceedings, please contact the disability access and accommodation coordinator for the courthouse where the proceeding will be held.

Assistive Visual Devices

Document magnifiers and computer screen magnifiers are available upon request at all Clerk's Office intake locations.  To request use of either of these devices in court proceedings, please contact the disability access and accommodation coordinator for the courthouse where the proceeding will be held.

Disability Access and Accommodation Coordinators

Portland and Pendleton:


Eugene and Medford:
