Monday, February 17, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

(See Fed. R. Civ. P. 48)

LR 48-1 Number of Jurors

The Court will fix the number of jurors in a civil case.

LR 48-2 No Communications With Jurors - Before, During, and After Trial

Except as authorized by the Court, attorneys, parties, witnesses, or court employees must not initiate contact with any juror concerning any case which that juror was sworn to try.

Previous LR 48-2 allowing a party to request a jury poll was eliminated because Fed. R. Civ. P. 48(c) now specifically allows for jury polling and sets out the procedure if there is a lack of assent or unanimity.

Amendment History to LR 48
June 1, 2006
LR 48.3 Heading modified to add the word "No . . ." and "After Trial."
Subsection (a) heading deleted.
The "authorized" substituted for the phrase "necessary during trial or as ordered . . ."
The word "attorneys" added.
Reference to Oregon State Bar Disciplinary Rule DR 7-108 deleted.
LR 48.3(b) Rule deleted.
LR 48.4 Rule deleted.
December 1, 2009
LR 48.2 Former LR 48.2 deleted (see Commentary) and subsequent rule renumbered.